Fi lele leyi
Ti Baba Aladura n to,
Keda mase ro pe
O ye kuro nibe
O duro le Kristi apata
Kerubu e yo
Serafu e yo!
A o fi ipile lele lori otito
A o fi ipile lele lori otito
After I finished singing this song, the angel with the seventh seal appeared to me and saith: remove your white garment, put on a red garment, discard your white candles, replace them with red candles and repeat the song.
And I did.
After I finished singing the song a second time, the angel with the seventh seal appeared to me and saith: remove your red garment, put on a yellow garment, discard your red candles, replace them with yellow candles and repeat the song.
And I did.
After I finished singing the song a third time, the angel with the seventh seal appeared to me and saith: now put on your white garment again, take your white candles, take your spiritual soap and sponge and proceed to the river for a spiritual bath.
And I did.
After my spiritual bath, the angel with the seventh seal appeared to me and saith: now take anointed oil and proceed to the mountain top where you shall pray and fast unceasingly for seven days and seven nights. Only after this shall I have a word with thee.
And I went to the mountain top and did accordingly.
After seven days and seven nights of praying and fasting, my white garment had gathered dust. The angel with the seventh seal appeared to me and saith: now, ask thine questions.
And I did obeisance and asked him why King Jona looks upon us of the white garment faith with hostility and apartheid eyes. For under no other King in the entire history of Nigeria hath the Christian faith or any faith enjoyed the status of official state religion. In four years King Jona has spent more quality time kneeling or standing on the altar of every church in the land. He has wined and dined with every mega-Pastor in the land. He is more at home inside prosperity Pentecostal churches than he is inside the King’s office. When he gets tired of crisscrossing Nigeria with prosperity Pastors, King Jona gathers them in a jet and flies with them to Jerusalem to pollute with aviation jet fumes all the spaces made pure by the green and environment-friendly mode of travel of our Lord Jesus Christ who preferred donkeys and trekking. Although the Bible says in Mathew 6:24 that “ye cannot serve both God and money”, the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria has found a way to settle the feud between God and money. He has found a way to serve God and Marmon and has transformed Nigerian Christianity to the political floor mat of King Jona.
Now that we are in election season, the only place where the people see and hear from King Jona is on the pulpit of prosperity Pentecostal pastors. This is the space from which he has been governing the land. King Jona has freed Nigerian prosperity mega-Pastors of decades of bondage to the tithe of their followers. They have been set free because King Jona has opened up the floodgates of the money of Nigeria to them.
And the angel with the seventh seal interrupted me and asked: Aladura my son, what is wrong with the Federal Christian theocracy of Nigeria that King Jona is running? Shouldn’t you be happy? They said they were going to bury the Koran in the Atlantic Ocean. Now, I have given you a King who is burying the Bible in the Sahara desert. Shouldn’t you be happy?
And I did obeisance again and replied the angel with the seventh seal. King Jona is not burying the Bible in the Sahara desert. He is burying even more naira in the hearts of prosperity Pastors. He drives the Bible away from every church he visits and installs naira in its stead. The Word of the Lord is now homeless in Nigeria because King Jona has expelled it from virtually every church.
And the angel with the seventh seal saith to me again: but he is still running a Federal Christian theocracy of Nigeria. You should be happy.
And I replied: that is the problem my Lord. The political Christianity he is running is an apartheid Christianity. It is an undemocratic Christianity. For someone who has slept in every church since he became King, for someone who has spent more time in churches than he has ever spent in his office, for someone who is running an election on Christianity and not on any issue, he has never visited an Aladura church. He has never been photographed kneeling down before any of our Prophets, Woolis, Aladuras, and Iya ni Israelis. He has never worn a white garment to come and worship with us or make political campaign statements from our altars. Yet you’d think that he’d take care of us because we are really his closest kinsmen in Christianity. He said he had no shoes and we wear no shoes in our white garment Aladura churches. Is he perhaps running away from us because we remind him of his shoeless poverty days? How can you run a Federal Christian theocracy and discriminate against a particular segment of Christianity? Why are prosperity Pentecostal Pastors more equal than Aladura prophets in King Jona’s court?
And the angel with the seventh seal looked upon me and saith: son, as an Aladura prophet, whenever you wear your white garment and take candles and ororo and head to the mountain top for prayer and fasting, what do you normally do afterwards?
And I replied: the spirit of the lord descends on me and I prophesy in the name of the Lord for woe unto him who is sent but does not deliver the message and woe unto him who is not sent but who delivers the message.
And the angel with the seventh seal said to me: King Jona snubs you and you ask why. Can you be bought? Does your message have a price?
And I descend from the mountain top singing:
Ipile ti Jesu
Fi lele leyi
Ti Baba Aladura n to,
Keda mase ro pe
O ye kuro nibe
O duro le Kristi apata
Kerubu e yo
Serafu e yo!
A o fi ipile lele lori otito
A o fi ipile lele lori otito