Oscar Winning Actress, Whoopi Goldberg, Wants To Return Home To Sierra Leone

imageIT has been has learnt Sarafina star actress who discovered her DNA to Sierra Leone is now ready to return to Sierra Leone and get her Sierra Leonean citizenship.

Isaiah Washington who became the first African American to discover his DNA to the Mende and Temne people of Sierra Leone also confirmed Goldberg`s decision to return home. The former ‘Greys Anatomy’ star confirmed to SaloneJamboree that: “she found out through African Ancestry that she shares an ancestral genetic link to the Mende people and wants me to ‘’bring her home.” Washington confirmed that he is ready to accompany Goldberg on her ‘great return home.’“When the history books write about African American celebrities fully embracing their African Ancestry, Whoopi Goldberg and I will go down in history as the ‘Adam and Eve’ of receiving dual citizenship based on DNA. It’s no coincidence that she starred on Star Trek and I’m now starring on the CW The 100 set 97 years into the future,”- Washington wrote to SaloneJamboree.

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