Tunde Kelani’s Online TV Debuts Today

imageCelebrated filmmaker, Tunde Kelani, has joined the growing band of online television owners with rich African cultural themed contents for viewers globally.

The new online platform, tundekelani.tv billed for launch on Friday is web – based and optimum on all mobile devices. The video channel is designed to offer viewers of all ages a refreshing viewing experience of past and current works of the award winning film director and other cultural themed contents from different owners across Africa and the Diaspora.
The tundekelani.tv platform also offers viewers, business owners, private or corporate organisations the opportunity to advertise and promote their brands.

“It is an attempt to respond to the yearnings of our teeming fans of rich African themed contents on the go. Distributing films or other contents physically are becoming increasingly difficult, revenues are lost on a daily basis and content owners are at the mercy of the menacing activities of pirates. I think it is just natural, expedient and sensible to take contents closer to the consumers on demand and in terms that suit all the parties involved.
Research, Kelani said, has shown that with a simple mobile device, online TV viewers can watch any content online without scruples.
To subscribers of tundekelani.tv., there will be a wide range of genre, including movies, high quality drama, interviews and documentaries that focus on issues mainstream media fails to cover adequately. Besides Kelani’s titles such as Oleku, Agogo Ewo, Saworoide, Thunderbolt( Magun), Narrow Path, Campus Queen and Maami, his latest experience with ‘filmed play’, Yeepa, an adaptation of Prof. Femi Osofisan ‘ classic play, Yeepa Solarin Nbo will be on the play list. Coming to esteemed lovers of the new channel is Amos Tutuola’s Palmwine Drinkards.
As the new online destination for African cultural themed contents, Kelani urged all other content owners to get on board.

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