Adeboye Urges Prayers To Ensure Good Governance

imageGENERAL Overseer, The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye at the weekend said that Nigerians should not rest after the peaceful election but continue to pray for the new government, as there would always be need for divine intervention for the President and all leaders to deliver good governance.

Adeboye gave the admonition during the monthly thanksgiving service at the RCCG headquarters, Throne of Grace, Ebute-Metta, Lagos through the Special Assistant to The General Overseer in Charge of RCCG, United Kingdom, Pastor Agu Irukwu.

“It is believed that the present administration in Nigeria will continue to make a giant stride in bringing rest to this country. He underscored the importance of praising God at all times, adding that as individuals and a nation, we face many challenges because we do not know the power of God and fail to see Him working in our lives and in our nation. “As individuals and as a nation that has just witnessed peaceful election despite all fears,” Adeboye said God should always be praised for his mercies, provision, protection, forgiveness, creation and gift of His Word.

Concerning persecuted Church in Nigeria, Pakistan and Libya, Irukwu said the Church in the United Kingdom has been very much concerned and had mentioned it to some of the top government officials in England. “Victims are members of our ‘family’ that are being persecuted and every government has to do everything to ensure that persecution and termination of innocent souls end.

“I want to let all that are passing through this sort of persecution realize that they are not alone as the Church will continue to be an advocacy and voice for them. “We will speak louder for the persecuted Church and will not give the Western nation any rest until they do what we know they should do to help the persecuted Church around the world,” he said.

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