AMAA Mourns Oronto Douglas

imageReactions have continued to trail the death of Oronto Douglas, a top aide of President Goodluck Jonathan. Douglas, who has been battling cancer-related complications, died Thursday morning.
A statement from the management and Staff of the Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA), described him as a worthy son of Nigeria who will be sorely missed.
“AMAA as an award organisation has a long history with Mr. Oronto Douglas from his days as the Commissioner of Information in Bayelsa State. He actually midwived AMAA when the then Governor Depriye Alameyesiegha told him to work on our proposal.
“For about 11 years now we have maintained our relationship with this worthy son of Nigeria and environmentalist. The birth of AMAA also marked the beginning of his association with Nollywood, the Nigerian film Industry which Mr. Douglas has partnered and worked with till date.
“AMAA and Nollywood will sorely miss him and President Goodluck Jonathan will also miss one of his trusted aides. We wish his family, friends and close associates the fortitude and grace to bear this irreparable loss,” the statement reads.
When contacted, close associate of Mr. Douglas, Molara Wood said; “I’m sorry. I’m a bit too distraught right now to speak coherently on this sad incident.”
Until his demise, Oronto Douglas was the Special Adviser to President Goodluck Jonathan on Research, Strategy and Documentation. Reports say he died early Thursday morning at the State House Clinic.
Mr. Douglas was also an environmental activist on behalf of the oil-producing communities of the Niger Delta and a lover of the Nigerian entertainment industry. He is known to have brokered some of the meetings between the Actors Guild of Nigeria and the presidency.

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