Eni Ogun: Professor Wole Soyinka at 90



Eni Ogun – Warrior, leader, fearless, battle tested, survivor  ⁣

Eni Ogun – Descendant of Ogun, the god of war and Iron. Hunter, innovator, adventurer, mysterious⁣

Eni Ogun – From the land where the River Ogun flows gracefully as it waters the lands that have produced great sons and daughters from one generation to the next⁣

Eni Ogun – One man who stands as twenty. He calls one and a hundred answer. He speaks and multitudes listen. He writes and nations pore over the meaning⁣

Thank you, Professor Niyi Osundare ⁣

For telling us about these four different Oguns all rolled into one⁣

I am taking your permission for granted⁣

That I may explore these Oguns further⁣

What do you say to the indestructible warrior ⁣

who has fought nine decades worth of battles⁣

How do you describe the wielder of the flaming pen⁣

 the one with the innocent countenance of a gentle Uncle ⁣

who strikes fear into the hearts of many⁣

as he suffers no fool gladly with just a raise of his eyebrows⁣

Where do you begin to describe the breadth, depth, reach⁣

 of one of the greatest sages of all time⁣

What do you say about the son of Mama ‘Wild Christian’⁣

and Papa ‘Essay’⁣

The husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother, uncle, friend⁣

And that is not counting the legion who share no blood⁣

Yet share tutelage, love, affection, respect, loyalty⁣

Stretching across lifetimes, generations and oceans⁣

Come closer and listen⁣

You can never find enough words⁣

Not in any dictionary in any language⁣

So, if we cannot say⁣

We cannot describe⁣

We dare not begin to recount⁣

What do we do?⁣

We first of all say Thank You⁣

As the indestructible Eni Ogun marks 90 years in this realm of existence⁣

There is nothing to give he does not already have⁣

He is richer than Croesus⁣

His wealth is not measured by any of the mundane parameters⁣

 celebrated by those with poor minds and poorer spirits⁣

His riches far exceed whatever number can be found ⁣

from the impossible task of counting his luxuriant white mane⁣

Move a little closer and pay attention⁣

After saying Thank You⁣

We show him how grateful we are⁣


We humbly turn to what he has told us over many a season⁣

We reverently learn from the examples he has shown⁣

It really does not matter where you begin or end⁣

Simply read, reflect, learn, pass on, then repeat the cycle⁣

There is so much to choose from⁣

If you are one of the lazy ones who always said ‘His books are too hard to read’⁣

We will not judge you⁣

The one-man battalion has a mind fashioned as a weapon⁣

Do not blame him, he is the sole occupant of his barracks⁣

His imagination has fired bullets, detonated bombs and cut all who should be concerned to size with a sword forged in the furnaces of Ogun himself.⁣

Find one of his many, many, many, many, many, many ‘Interventions’⁣

Surely, there should be something that can be understood ⁣

Please don’t move away, there is more⁣

There are those who try to tell us about tomorrow⁣

Yet, they are here with us today⁣

 How do they know?⁣

No one knows tomorrow, right?⁣

Yes, no one knows tomorrow⁣

But we often get signs⁣

So, we can prepare, for better or worse⁣

And when we do, it does not matter where the messenger comes from,⁣

what tongue they speak,⁣

What colour they are⁣

what waters flow through their village ⁣

or what can be found beneath their garments⁣

We received messages many decades ago⁣

From the keeper of stories told and untold⁣

He lived it, felt it, starved because of it and shed his blood for it⁣

He was hidden away for one score plus two months⁣

He knew, once they come for one, they eventually come for all⁣

He told of a time when those who we ask to lead us⁣

Will be those who place lashes on our backs⁣

He knew about lashes⁣

He was the recipient of many, both seen and unseen⁣

He warned of a season when worshippers will become the worshipped⁣

And the gate-keepers of the imported faiths⁣

Would guard those gates more fiercely than the original owners ⁣


With leashes on our necks⁣

Padlocks on our minds⁣

And bonfires to cruelly erase the memory of our ancestors⁣

He told us⁣

That the rich, great and mighty⁣

Will take from the poor, lowly and downtrodden⁣

He foresaw a time when the guns would boom ceaselessly⁣

Yet the resilience of the people would silence the deafening sound⁣

He lamented the lustful desire to service the guns of war⁣

Rather than swallow the bitter but necessary pills of peace⁣

Be your brother’s keeper, he would preach⁣

Be your sister’s wrapper he would imply⁣

No, we would be too busy Yorubaing, Igboing, Hausaing, Fulanining, Ijawing ourselves ⁣

into a morbid frenzy of meaninglessness⁣

Before you move away⁣


Many men and women have died⁣

Uncountable jewels have been lost⁣

Yet, this man lives on⁣

He is still here⁣

He still speaks⁣

He still writes⁣

He still foretells⁣

He still warns⁣

Is it a coincidence that the abundant white mane reminds you of the lion?⁣


Maybe not⁣

As long as the lion roars in his habitat⁣

And the lioness does her thing⁣

Our famous incomparable hunter will continue his journey⁣

Armed with guns both literal and metaphorical⁣

With regular sips from his favoured products of Bacchus⁣

His piercing eyes seeing everything and missing nothing⁣

Sifting prey from predator⁣

Pointing out friend from foe⁣

A task that has taken a lifetime⁣

And even that will never be enough⁣

If you ever wanted to know the true meaning of a life of impact⁣

Look no further⁣

Happy birthday⁣

Thank You⁣

We are grateful⁣

We honour you⁣

We adore you⁣

Eni Ogun⁣

𝘉𝘪𝘴𝘪 𝘈𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘺𝘦-𝘍𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘮𝘪 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵, 𝘗𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘺 𝘈𝘥𝘷𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘞𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳. 𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴.𝘤𝘰𝘮, 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯. 𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘣𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘉𝘈𝘍@𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴.𝘤𝘰𝘮⁣

Sanwo-Olu Celebrates Obaigbena at 65

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has congratulated Prince Nduka Obaigbena, CON, on the occasion of his 65th birthday. 

Governor Sanwo-Olu describes Obaigbena as a steadfast media investor and contributor to the growth and development of our dear State.

The Governor said the celebrant has, through his various media platforms, provided employment for thousands of journalists, writers and broadcasters in the country.

Sanwo-Olu joins family, friends, associates and colleagues especially at the Newspapers Proprietors’ Association of Nigeria (NPAN), Broadcasting Organizations of Nigeria (BON), the Thisday and Arise Television Network to felicitate the media mogul on his special day.

He wishes Obaigbena a long life in good health and prosperity.

US Embassy, Nobel Prize Celebrate Soyinka at 90

The United States Mission in Nigeria and Nobel Prize have joined in celebrating Nobel Laureate Prof Wole Soyinka on his 90th birthday.

The US said on social media on Saturday that Soyinka’s work continues to transcend borders and inspire generations.

Calling on the public to celebrate the literary icon, the embassy said, “Happy 90th birthday to Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka!

“Join us in celebrating the life and remarkable accomplishments of this cultural icon whose work continues to transcend borders and inspire generations.

“Did you know that Professor Soyinka taught at U.S. Universities including Emory University, Cornell University, Harvard University, New York University and Yale University?

“Literature laureate Wole Soyinka is known for his plays, poems and novels rooted in his native Nigeria. Soyinka draws upon the Yoruba culture’s legends, tales and traditions to make observations about the world.”

Also celebrating the nonagenarian, the Nobel Prize said on social media, “Literature laureate Wole Soyinka is known for his plays, poems and novels rooted in his native Nigeria. Soyinka draws upon the Yoruba culture’s legends, tales and traditions to make observations about the world.”

Soyinka bagged the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986.

The God at 90


When I wrote Is Soyinka, the god unraveling?, (April 9, 2023) many people thought I belonged to the rank of those misbegotten children who make a pastime of casting aspersions on the literary avatar, Professor Wole Soyinka. As Yoruba will shout while expressing their indignation, can an epileptic, who makes serial pun of dying, ever be compared to one who dies once and totally? – “taa l’ó ńjé omo akuwárápá níwájú omo akúyányán?” What equation will come on earth that will make a small fry like me look into the eyes of a god like Soyinka?

The truth is, very few human beings are capable of unbuckling the sandals of that literary god. We must however keep the tradition of keen interrogation, fearless x-ray of personas and personages which Soyinka himself taught us through his non-conformist and iconoclastic essays, plays and public interventions. Kongi never taught us that gods were beyond fallibility. As fiery as King Sango was in old Oyo Empire, his major flipside was his scorching temperament which led to his suicide at Koso. Soyinka has his’ and his children-sans-biology like us owe him the responsibility of bringing out what we consider the mucks in his eyes.

Several parts of Soyinka the elephant have been explored and I am not ready to regurgitate them here. However, I am sure Soyinka cannot die. While here with us in human form, his deeds have transited him from mere mortality into enduring immortality. He will live like the Great mythic musician, Orpheus and his wife, Eurydice. Soyinka has left the realm of the human. He is a mythical being who, when this Isara god eventually transits, would just transmute into an imaginary myth recited in incantations. As a hunter, his guild would sing the Iremoje, hunters’ recitals at their colleague’s passage.

Happy 90th birthday to the god we are opportune to behold in human form.

Nigerian Govt, Stakeholders Unite To Combat Sexual Harassment in Educational Institutions

ABUJA, July 13, 2024 — In a landmark effort to tackle the pervasive issue of sexual harassment in Nigeria’s educational institutions, a coalition of stakeholders, including government officials, regulatory bodies, and civil society organizations, convened at the consultative Policy Dissemination and Implementation Conference held at Ladi Kwali Hall, Abuja Continental Hotel on July 9, 2024. The conference, moderated by Barrister Omowumi Ogunrotimi, underscored the urgent need for robust measures to prevent, prohibit, and redress sexual harassment across all levels of education.

The conference saw extensive deliberations and resolutions aimed at instituting effective anti-sexual harassment policies, ensuring the safety and dignity of students, and fostering a conducive learning environment free from intimidation and abuse. Key stakeholders, including the Ministry of Education, the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), the National Universities Commission (NUC), the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), and various State Commissioners of Education, joined forces to endorse and commit to implementing comprehensive policy frameworks.

Highlights of the Resolutions:

  1. Legislative Commitment: The House of Representatives, under the 10th Assembly, affirmed its dedication to passing the ‘Bill for an Act to Prevent, Prohibit and Redress Sexual Harassment of Students in Tertiary Educational Institutions and for Matters Connected therewith’. This legislative push aims to establish a robust legal framework against sexual harassment.
  2. Model Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies: All stakeholders, including regulatory bodies and educational institutions, unanimously agreed to adopt and implement Model Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies. These policies are designed to sensitize communities, establish institutional frameworks for reporting and redress, and enforce strict penalties for offenders.
  3. Regional Adaptation and Implementation: Acknowledging Nigeria’s diverse socio-cultural contexts, stakeholders from all geographical zones validated the policies with regional adaptations. This approach ensures that the policies resonate with local norms while maintaining the integrity of the national framework.
  4. Enforcement and Support Structures: The ICPC committed to supporting educational institutions with training and technical assistance in implementing anti-sexual harassment policies. This support includes setting up grievance mechanisms, ensuring confidentiality, and protecting victims from retaliation.
  5. Commitment to Review and Improve: Recognizing the evolving nature of the issue, stakeholders resolved to review the policies every 3 to 5 years. This periodic review aims to enhance effectiveness, incorporate best practices, and address emerging challenges in combating sexual harassment.
  6. Supportive Measures: Stakeholders emphasized the importance of ongoing orientations for both new students and staff, wide-ranging reporting platforms including anonymous options, and clear timelines for investigating and adjudicating harassment cases.

Quotes from Key Stakeholders:

  1. Professor Mamman Tahir, Minister of Education: “Our commitment to eradicating sexual harassment in educational institutions is unwavering. We will work tirelessly to ensure every student feels safe and respected.”
  2. Dr. Musa Adamu Aliyu, Chairman of ICPC: “Prevention and enforcement go hand in hand. Our partnership with educational institutions will strengthen their capacity to uphold integrity and protect students.”
  3. Hon. Victor Obuzor, Chairman, House Committee on Civil Society Organizations: “The legislative efforts and collaborative initiatives underscore our collective responsibility to safeguard students and uphold their rights.”

List of Stakeholders:

  1. Professor Mamman Tahir – Minister of Education
  2. Hon. Yusuf Tanko Sununu – Minister of State for Education
  3. Minister for Women Affairs – Mrs. Uju Kennedy-Ohaneye
  4. Dr. Musa Adamu Aliyu, SAN – Chairman of ICPC
  5. Hon. Ibrahim Olarenwaju – Senior Special Assistant on National Assembly Matters (House of Representatives)
  6. Hon. Victor Obuzor – Chairman, House Committee on Civil Society Organizations
  7. Mr. Boniface Odey – NUC
  8. Mr. Bello Abdul-Hakeem – Deputy Director, NBTE
  9. Mrs. Theresa Madueke – Director, National Orientation Agency (NOA)
  10. Prof. Amari Omaka – Commissioner for Tertiary Education, Ebonyi
  11. Prof. Ndubueze Mbah – Commissioner for Education, Enugu
  12. Hon. Yusuf Ibrahim Kofarmata – Commissioner for Higher Education, Kano
  13. Prof. Nyerhovwo Tonukari – Commissioner for Higher Education, Delta
  14. Dr. Gentle Emelah – Commissioner for Education, Bayelsa
  15. Oluwole Olusanjo Majekodunmi – Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Ogun
  16. Eluwole Sunday Adedipo – Commissioner for Education, Osun
  17. Salihu Abdulwaheed Adelabu – Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Oyo
  18. Hon. Lydia Haruna Tsammani – Commissioner for Higher Education and Regional Integration, Bauchi
  19. Rev. Frederick L. Ikyaan, PhD – Commissioner for Education and Knowledge Management, Benue
  20. Michael Omolayo – Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Ekiti
  21. Waheed Kasali – Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Tertiary Education, Lagos
  22. Prof. Mohammed Bello Kawuwa – Commissioner for Higher Education, Science and Technology, Yobe
  23. Isa Yusuf Chamo – Commissioner for Higher Education, Science and Technology, Jigawa
  24. Ubani Caroline Uloma – Commissioner for Education, Abia
  25. Ahmed Yunusa Mohammed – Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Gombe
  26. Prof. Abdulhamid Ahmed – Commissioner for Higher, Technical and Vocational Education, Katsina
  27. Dr. (Mrs.) Kachollom Pyam Gang – Commissioner for Higher Education, Plateau
  28. Hon. Aminu Abdullahi – Commissioner for Higher Education, Sokoto
  29. Michael Omolayo – Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Ekiti (Duplicate)
  30. Waheed Kasali – Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Tertiary Education, Lagos (Duplicate)
  31. Prof. Mohammed Bello Kawuwa – Commissioner for Higher Education, Science and Technology, Yobe (Duplicate)
  32. Isa Yusuf Chamo – Commissioner for Higher Education, Science and Technology, Jigawa (Duplicate)
  33. Hon. Yusuf Ibrahim Kofarmata – Commissioner for Higher Education, Kano (Duplicate)
  34. Ahmed Yunusa Mohammed – Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Gombe (Duplicate)
  35. Prof. Abdulhamid Ahmed – Commissioner for Higher, Technical and Vocational Education, Katsina (Duplicate)
  36. Hon. Augustina Yahaya, PhD – Commissioner for Education, Taraba
  37. Hon. Wadatau Madawaki – Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Zamfara
  38. Dr. John D.W. Mamman – Commissioner for Education, Nasarawa
  39. Razaq O. Kalilu – Vice Chancellor, LAUTECH
  40. Oladipupo Adegboyega Johnson – Provost, Oyo State College of Education
  41. Ademola S. Tayo – Vice Chancellor, Babcock University
  42. Dr. Cecilia Olajumoke Adebayo – Provost, College of Health Science & Technology, Ijero Ekiti
  43. Prof. Akinola Akinlabi – Rector, Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora
  44. Prof. Ayo Atsenua – Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Lagos
  45. Olaoye Oyejide Oluwatobi – Rector, Ibadan Polytechnic
  46. Dr. Fijoh Kalu Ome – Deputy Rector, Abia State Polytechnic
  47. Prof. Ezeokonkwo Romanus – Vice Chancellor, University of Nigeria Nsukka
  48. Dr. Michael Okey Okoronkwo – Provost, Federal College of Agriculture Ishiagu, Ebonyi State
  49. Prof. Abdullahi Musa – Vice Chancellor, Kaduna State University
  50. Dr. (Mrs.) U. I. Ibanga – Deputy Provost, Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology, New Bussa, Niger State
  51. Dr. Hauwa’u Muhammed Mainoma – Director, Centre for Gender Studies, Nasarawa State University
  52. Suleiman Ahmed Badayi – Rector, Jigawa State Polytechnic

Access Bank Targets Top 20 Position in UK, $1bn Profit By 2027

Access Bank, sub-Saharan Africa’s largest bank by customer base, has shared insights about ambitious plans to position its UK subsidiary, Access Bank UK, among the top 20 banks in the United Kingdom, targeting an annual profit of $1 billion by 2027. This was disclosed by Roosevelt Ogbonna, the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Access Bank, during the “Facts Behind the Rights Issue” presentation held at the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) office in Lagos.

Ogbonna emphasised that this projection underscores Access Bank’s commitment to becoming a global banking leader, focusing on expansive growth and robust financial performance.

“We are positioning ourselves to be one of the most respected banks globally. Our focus is on superior service across all the continents and countries we are operational in, and by 2027, we aim to be one of the top five African banks, powering trade across the continent and providing superior services to our customers,” Ogbonna stated.

The CEO further highlighted that Access Bank’s customer base is expected to grow to 125 million by 2027, further cementing its market leadership. This ambitious growth plan is part of the broader strategy to drive organic growth through strategic acquisitions, partnerships with international banks, and substantial investments in infrastructure and technology.

The insights were shared as part of discussions around Access Holdings’ ongoing Rights Issue, which aims to raise up to US$1.5 billion to strengthen its financial position and support its growth ambitions. The rights issue offers 17,772,612,811 ordinary shares at N19.75 per share and will close on August 14, 2024.

The Fact Behind the Rights Issue was attended by the stockbrokers, shareholders, NGX management, Access Holdings’ executive and management, the media, amongst others. The shareholders gave their vote of confidence in Access Holdings and Access Bank, and  particularly, the Rights Issue.  

Bisi Bakare, National Coordinator, Pragmatic Shareholders Association of Nigeria, noted, “Since Access Bank first started trading on the stock exchange at N0.65, we shareholders have witnessed its incredible growth and accrued immense value, with the stock now trading at N19.35 as of June 9.”

“Access Holdings can be confident that as the consolidation phase of the Group’s expansion fully takes shape and the brand’s profitability continues to increase, those of us who have been on this journey from the beginning are not about to jump off now. We fully back the capitalisation plans, starting with the Rights Issue, and are excited for the future that lies ahead for Access Holdings,” Bakare added.

Zenith Bank Clinches Best Commercial Bank in Nigeria, Retains Best Corporate Governance Award at World Finance 2024 Awards

Zenith Bank Plc has emerged as the Best Commercial Bank, Nigeria in the World Finance Banking Awards 2024, retaining the award for a fourth consecutive year. The bank was also named as Best Corporate Governance, Nigeria for the third year running in the World Finance Corporate Governance Awards 2024. The awards, which were published in the Summer 2024 Issue of the World Finance Magazine, are in recognition of the bank’s robust financial performance, superior customer service, sustainability initiatives and corporate governance practices.

Commenting on the dual honours, the Group Managing Director/Chief Executive of Zenith Bank Plc, Dame (Dr.) Adaora Umeoji, OON, remarked: “These awards highlight our steadfast dedication to excellence, adherence to global best practices, and our persistent effort to deliver superior value to all stakeholders through innovative products and services. Receiving these awards consecutively for multiple years signifies the commitment of our staff, the loyalty of our customers, and the support of our shareholders. We remain devoted to setting industry benchmarks and driving excellence across all aspects of our operations.”

Dr. Umeoji expressed her delight at the recognition and dedicated the awards to the Founder and Chairman, Dr. Jim Ovia, CFR, for his impactful leadership in establishing a robust and flourishing institution. She also expressed gratitude to the board for their vision and insight, the staff for their unwavering dedication, and the bank’s customers for choosing Zenith as their preferred bank.

World Finance is a leading international magazine providing comprehensive coverage and analysis of the financial industry, international business and the global economy. The editorial combines award-winning reportage, covering a broad range of topics from banking and insurance to wealth management and infrastructure investment, with contributions from some of the world’s most well-respected economists and theorists as well as consultants in government think tanks and the World Economic Forum.

Zenith Bank’s track record of excellent performance has continued to earn the brand numerous awards, with these latest accolades coming on the heels of several recognitions including being recognised as the Number One Bank in Nigeria by Tier-1 Capital for the 14th consecutive year in the 2023 Top 1000 World Banks Ranking, published by The Banker Magazine. We were also awarded the Bank of the Year (Nigeria) in The Banker’s Bank of the Year Awards for 2020 and 2022; and Most Sustainable Bank, Nigeria in the International Banker 2024 Banking Awards

Further recognitions include Best Bank in Nigeria for three consecutive years from 2020 to 2022 in the Global Finance World’s Best Banks Awards and Best Commercial Bank, Nigeria for three consecutive years from 2021 to 2023 in the World Finance Banking Awards. Additionally, Zenith Bank has been acknowledged as the Best Corporate Governance Bank, Nigeria, in the World Finance Corporate Governance Awards for 2022 and 2023, and ‘Best in Corporate Governance’ Financial Services’ Africa for four consecutive years from 2020 to 2023 by the Ethical Boardroom.

The bank’s commitment to excellence saw it being named the Most Valuable Banking Brand in Nigeria in the Banker Magazine Top 500 Banking Brands for 2020 and 2021 and Retail Bank of the Year for three consecutive years from 2020 to 2022 at the BusinessDay Banks and Other Financial Institutions (BAFI) Awards. The bank also received the accolade of Most Sustainable Bank, Nigeria, in the International Banker 2023 Banking Awards and Best Commercial Bank, Nigeria and Best Innovation in Retail Banking, Nigeria, in the International Banker 2022 Banking Awards. Zenith Bank was named Bank of the Decade (People’s Choice) at the ThisDay Awards 2020, Bank of the Year 2021 by Champion Newspaper, Bank of the Year 2022 by New Telegraph Newspaper, and Most Responsible Organisation in Africa 2021 by SERAS Awards

Tinubu Renames National Theatre after Wole Soyinka

 + Rejoices With Nobel Laureate at 90

+ Describes him as face of struggle to validate June 12

President Bola Tinubu has renamed the National Theatre in Iganmu, Lagos, as The Wole Soyinka Centre for Culture and the Creative Arts, in honour of Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, as he marks his 90th birthday.

Professor Soyinka is a globally celebrated playwright, novelist, poet, essayist, actor, singer, composer, and documentarian.

He is also a foremost advocate of good governance and of a fair and just society who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1986 – the first African to win the Prize in that category.

The Nobel Prize Laureate is a recipient of many other reputable awards, such as the Benson Medal from the Royal Society of Literature; Academy of Achievement Golden Plate Award; Anisfield-Wolf Book Award, (Lifetime Achievement); and the Europe Theatre Prize – (Special Prize).

The President, in a release issued on Friday by his Media Adviser,  Ajuri Ngelale,  described Professor Soyinka as one of the finest minds of his generation; conforming to the highest standards of human enlightenment, but unyielding to injustice, oppression, and base impulses.

President Tinubu hailed one of Nigeria’s living repositories of history, knowledge, and courage, and commended him for his valiant efforts in the trenches for the nation’s future both as a pro-democracy champion and as a trenchant voice against corruption and maladministration over several decades.

According to the President: “Our paths crossed during our just struggle for the enthronement of democracy in Nigeria following the annulment of June 12, 1993 presidential election. When faced with a trial in absentia and death sentence by the military regime at home, he galvanized opposition in exile through NALICON and NADECO. His global stature made him the face of our struggle to validate June 12 and restore democracy in Nigeria.

“Today, I join the world to celebrate his profound influence on generations of writers, scholars, and activists who have been inspired by his work. I celebrate him for giving us the spark to fight and confront military dictators in our country.

“I am, accordingly, delighted to have the honour to announce the decision of the Federal Government to rename the National Theatre in Iganmu, Surulere, as The Wole Soyinka Centre for Culture and the Creative Arts”.

President Tinubu wished Professor Soyinka many more years in good health and creative fulfilment as a global force for change.

A Standing Ovation For Dayo Adedayo at 60


Our meeting that fateful day in London must have been divine. I was at a wedding and this fine looking gentleman walked up to me. He carried some heavy cameras on him and he was clicking away when he noticed me. I stretched out my hands to greet him in my usual humble, and humbling manner. “My name is Dele Momodu”, I belched. He smiled, perhaps mischievously, and responded: “Who doesn’t know you Sir? My name is Dayo Adedayo, I’m a photographer.” I remembered what Chief MKO Abiola had taught me, that you should never assume everyone knows you, no matter how popular you are!! He was fond of introducing himself “my name is Moshood Abiola…”

So Dayo and I exchanged pleasantries and numbers. He said he’s been a great fan of Ovation International magazine and hopes he can contribute his work to it. As a matter of policy and principle, I never say NO to obvious talents. I was particularly touched by his humility and the quality of his cameras which he carried proudly. 

We met thereafter and started to work together. I was blown apart by his portraits. He never made money a priority and this made him refreshingly different from most of his contemporaries. He had only one major setback, he had not stepped out of England in well over a decade and our work entailed global travels. Ovation was able to break that shackle and he started traveling across continents. There’s nothing GOD cannot do.

He got his big break when we got an invitation to market the fledgling city of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. He went round, day and night, and took some daredevil shots that would change Dubai forever. At that time, mostly traders were traveling to DUBAI. We made a cover of Ovation, titled: SEE DUBAI AND DIE. This title used to be the exclusive preserve of Paris, in France. We changed it, courtesy of Dayo Adedayo’s lenses. He was handsomely rewarded by a grateful company. He started flying like a bird and his popularity soared. He returned to Nigeria and became the best landscape photographer on the continent. He authored many books and he has remained on top of his game. He continues to celebrate me, more than I deserve. It is my turn to give him a standing Ovation at 60…

Justice Restored: The Harrowing Ordeal and Triumphant Release of Surajo Asimiyu after 80 Days of Police Detention Without A Charge

By Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq.

We are relieved to have secured the release of Mr. Surajo Asimiyu, known as Baba Ibeji, an indigent Nigerian who was detained by the Nigerian Police for approximately 80 Days without a single charge filed against him.

Surajo, a man of humble means from Ogun State and father of twin toddlers, was arrested on April 20, 2024, by the Nigeria Police Force. He was initially held for ten agonizing days at Ifo Police Station in Ogun State before being transferred to Abuja. There, he remained confined in a police cell without any formal action taken against him, despite false allegations of murdering his own wife.

Tragically, Surajo’s wife, who had been suffering from tuberculosis and other health issues, was rushed to the hospital by her husband where she passed away at General Hospital, Ota, Ogun State. The day after her death, on April 19, 2024, Surajo was arrested. He was not allowed to see his wife’s remains, mourn her death, or care for his young children who had just lost their mother.

Upon our independent review of the case, we discovered that Surajo was merely a victim of an ego-driven power tussle between two charitable women’s groups. Initially, one group supported Surajo and his family, but when he aligned with another woman’s charity organization, the initial group turned against him. Following his wife’s death, this group accused him and the other woman of his wife’s murder.

Our diligent check confirmed that the allegations were baseless, propagated by opportunists to exploit public sympathy. Despite the clear and shameful nature of the power tussle, the police continued to detain Surajo under the guise of investigation.

While in police custody, Surajo remained a pawn in the ongoing power play between these groups. Despite appeals and efforts from his family, the Nigerian Police Force denied him bail, leaving him deprived of his basic rights for eighty days without a single criminal charge.

With our determination to seek justice for him, we took his case to the Federal High Court in suit NO. FHC/ABJ/CS/612/2024, a neutral ground for all parties. After careful consideration at several sittings, the court ordered his immediate release, and we are glad the Nigeria Police complied respectfully with the court order.

Witnessing Surajo’s condition upon his release was heart-wrenching. He was malnourished, living in deplorable conditions, and so disoriented that he could barely speak. He could only cry.

The individuals using this young man to settle scores did not show up at any court sittings or make any claims, but instead misled the public to profit from his plight. I have directed my office to provide adequate support for him and link him up with international human rights organizations and donors to review his case for a possible rights campaign and support.

One particular event struck my heart strongly today: after his release, he had no shoes or slippers to wear. As he walked out of the cell, dirty and in tears, the Investigating Police Officer, I think his name is Mr. Chinedu, gave him his own footwear. I could not hold back my tears.

The Nigerian judiciary continues to remain the last hope of the common man.

Special thanks to my colleagues at Law Corridor who worked on his matter, including our Lead Partner, Henry Kelechukwu Oni Otu, Sunday Adebayo, and others.

No Nigerian should endure such inhumane treatment. Nigeria, let’s do better.