El-Rufai Reduces Commissioners From 24 To 13

imageIn a bid to cut running cost of governance, Kaduna State Governor Malam Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai has reduced the number of commissioners from the usual 24 to 13.

In a statement signed by his Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Samuel Aruwan, he said El’Rufai has placed strict limits on the number of aides that the 13 commissioners can recruit to support the discharge of their duties.

According to the statement, El-Rufai has repeatedly empahsiszed the need for Kaduna State government to direct its resources to deliver public services and that such a move requires a reduction in the proportion consumed by government.

Similarly, the Kaduna State government has announced the restructuring of its ministries from 19 to 13.

“This is intended to cut costs, spur efficiency and improve service delivery,” it stated.

It, therefore, stated that the machinery of government will now be driven by the following ministries: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, and Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.

Others are Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Budget and Planning, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport.

It also said that the realignment of mandates has also resulted in the emergence of two new departments that is : The erstwhile Ministry of Lands, Survey and Country Planning is being moved to the Governor’s Office as a department and the former Ministry of Rural and Community Development becomes a department in the Deputy Governor’s Office.

Also affected by the restructuring is the Ministry of Information whose functions have now being decentralized , it stated that each ministry will henceforth have its own public relations unit attached to the office of its chief executive.

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