Horrified Mother Finds Dead Mouse In Pack of Baby Wipes

imageNappy firm Huggies has apologised after claims from a horrified mother who says she found a dead mouse in a packet of baby wipes.

Leanne Phelps, aged 31, said she was removing her make-up before bed with the brand’s baby wipes when she discovered the squashed rodent hidden inside.

Terrified of mice, she screamed and threw the packet on the floor, she said – only to have to save it from the curious clutches of her 14-month-old son Carter.

A spokesman for Huggies said an investigation would be launched as soon as possible.
We’re sorry she’s had this experience and we will take it very seriously.

We adhere to the highest standards here and once we have received the packet from the consumer, which we have requested, a full investigation will be carried out.

 Leanne Phelps says the dead mouse was found in a packet of baby wipes

Leanne Phelps says the dead mouse was found in a packet of baby wipes

The mouse was hidden beneath at least 10 layers of wipes, Leanne said Credit: SWNS
Mother-of-two Leanne, from Catton Grove, Norwich, said some people have suggested the may have been left there by her cat – but she dismissed the idea, saying there were no holes in the packet and it was hidden beneath several layers of wipes.
I have got a big phobia of mice, spiders, anything like that and this was horrible.

I was taking my makeup off before bed and I was wiping my eyes. I went to pull another wipe out of the packet and saw a dark patch and then I realised what it was.

Someone suggested that my cat could have put it in there but how would a cat manage to open a packet and put it under at least ten wipes?

There are no holes in the packaging – there is no other possible explanation other than it must have got in in the factory.

She immediately washed her face in case bacteria or germs from the dead rodent had been on the wipes she was using, she said, and checked with a local doctor what she ought to do.

The experience had left her shaken, she added.
Every time I change my son’s nappy now I am pulling the wipe out and thinking, ‘What the hell am I going to find now?’

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