How Government Helped Me Buy A House – Oby Ezekwesili

imageFormer education minister, Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili, has declared that she has earned more money outside of government than when she served in government and that her biggest benefit in government was a government-subsidized mortgage that enabled her to buy a home.

In a series of tweets via a Twitter handle,@obyezeks, the former minister said she was poorer in government, but things improved considerably when she left government because her skills are better appreciated elsewhere. “Well, I was poorer in Govt. Life got better post-Gov cos my skills were better valued.

“That’s precisely how it should be. I have worked& EARNED much more outside of Govt,” she tweeted.

When her claim appear to be disbelieved by one person on her timeline, who tweeted: “I take your word for it in the absence of empirical evidence. Lol”, Ezekwesili asked him to contact @BudgITng for the collation of public officials’ salaries between 1999 and 2007

Her response drew a rejoinder from another person, who tweeted: “Public Service Salaries are Nothing. D Real damage to d System is d Ex-Officio Gains,mostly #Corrupt,to selves & cronies.” The former minister responded by tweeting that the best benefit she got came through the monetisation policy of the Olusegun Obasanjo administration through which she bought a home. ” Govt work best benefit was Monetization–publicly subsidized mortgage helped get a HOUSE,” she replied, adding ” The years 2007 to date when I have worked & earned(ing) my living have been MOST FINANCIALLY REWARDING & NOT the years I was in Government.”

She also dismissed claims that she is seeking a position in the new administration. In a response to a tweet asking why she is wants an appointment, Ezekwesili angrily replied: “You actually believe this your foolish question?”

She concluded that those with strong principles and who are ready to stick to such face great financial stress is government and sneered at those who disbelieved her. ” The financial stress of SERVING in Govt. is REAL if you have made a determination to LIVE YOUR VALUES. Reason I laugh when some babble here,” she posted.

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