Mob Attacks Adamawa Gov. And Senator Tukur At Inauguration Ceremony

…As Governor Umaru Jubrilla Promises To Run An Open Door Policy Government
Former Adamawa State Deputy Governor, Sa’ad MC Tahir and the Senator representing Adamawa Central, Sen Bello Tukur were manhandled by angry youths at the swearing in Ceremony of Senator Muhammad Bindow Umaru Jibrilla as the Governor of the State.

Sa’ad M. C. Tahir represented former Governor Bala Ngillari at the ceremony held at the Mahmud Ribadu Square

Our correspondent in Yola reported that drama started shortly after the former deputy governor delivered his speech as the crowd intermittently booed the outgoing deputy governor throughout his speech and was accosted by angry crowd immediately he alighted from the podium.

They accosted him shouting ” Bama so, Karya ne, masu Gudu su Gudu, lokacinku ya yi, where is Bala Nggilari” in Hausa meaning “we don’t want liars, your ill administration was over, go away where is Governor Bala Nggilari?”

The youths were angry why the former Governor Bala James Nggilari ran away to Dubai through Ghana before the May 29th handover date.

Security men and party chieftains made several attempts to calm down the situation as security operatives attached to the outgoing deputy governor had to whisk him away to safety to an unknown destination.

Former commissioners who accompanied the booed former deputy Governor sneaked out of the venue of the ceremony on sensing danger.

Former Deputy Governor and a serving senator who represented the Senate President at the occasion, Senator Bello Tukur was not spared as his car was smashed while his clothes were torn as angry youths pelted him with stones.

The outgone Deputy Governor M. C. Tahir had earlier in his speech said that the outgoing administration has done much in the area of fighting insurgency, and has revived education and youth empowerment with the call on the incoming government to improve on the situation

In his acceptance speech, the new governor Senator Umaru Jibrilla assured to run an open door policy. He said Adamawa state is among the most backward states, in Nigeria calling on the people to assist him with prayers and good advice so that there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

“With God on our side, we shall overcome the problems bedeviling our state.

“I am therefore calling on all to join hands in moving the state to greater heights,” he urges.

“The APC government in Adamawa will be government for all, and therefore we will meet with security operatives and other stakeholders on the need to review the ban on motorcycles operations.

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