Divorce Drama: My Wife Is Fond of Pulling My Manhood, Man Tells Court

imageA middle-aged man, Mr Emmanuel Olamurin, on Friday, pleaded with an Akure Customary Court, Ondo State, to dissolve his 21 year-old marriage, accusing his wife, one Modupe, of trying to kill him.
“My wife wanted to kill me by clutching and pulling my manhood,” Olamurin told the court.
The complainant, who is a retired civil servant, told the court that his wife was a ‘great threat’ that he could no longer live with.
He also alleged that Modupe was fond of stealing his money and cited some instances. According to him, the respondent has sold some property belonging to the family without his consent.
The retired civil servant said that the union had lost any affection needed in any good marriage and should therefore be dissolved.
In her response, the respondent denied the allegations and insisted that the marriage contract must remain.
She accused him of promiscuity, saying that it was the main reason for his call for dissolution of the marriage.
According to her, she once caught him in bed with one of their neighbours, adding that instead of showing remorse, he declared that he was at liberty ‘to do anything.’
She stressed that elders had intervened to resolve the issues, but that her husband had always turned deaf ears.
Ruling on the case, Mrs. Modupe Alex-Adedipe, the president of the court, advised the complainant to desist from committing all the atrocities his wife accused him of.
She urged him to take proper care of his family, especially their only child, because family peace would ensure a bright future for the boy.
The president adjourned the case to September 15 for further hearing.

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