State Burial For HID Awolowo

Yeye Oodua, HID Awolowo
Yeye Oodua, HID Awolowo
President Muhammadu Buhari’s delegation was in Ikenne, Ogun State yesterday to commiserate with the Awolowo family over the demise of its matriarch, Chief Hannah Idowu Dideolu (HID) Awolowo. The late Mrs Awolowo may get s state burial.

When Buhari received the news of Mama Awo’s death on Saturday, he called the family of Vice President Yemi Osinbajo to commiserate with them. Besides, his office wrote a condolence letter.

The late Chief Awolowo was the grandmother of Mrs Dolapo Osinbajo, the vice president’s wife

Buhari, according to a statement by the Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, described the late Mrs Awolowo as “an institution in her own right” and “a model of motherhood”.

He said to the Osinbajos that the late Chief Awolowo was one of the greatest women political icons in Africa who was revered for her remarkable virtues.

Buhari also noted that her shinning virtues as “a great mother, wife and motivator”, would live after her.

The President’s delegation, which met the Vice President and other members of the Awolowo family at Ikenne, was led by Mallam Abba Kyari, the Chief of Staff.

He was accompanied by the Secretary to the Federal Government (SGF), Babachir David Lawal, the Chief of Defence Staff, Lt.-Gen. Abayomi Gabriel Olanishakin and the Chief of Defence Intelligence, Air Vice Marshal Morgan Monday.

The delegation extended his condolences to the family, the government and people of Ogun State over the death of Mrs. Awolowo.

The SGF said the President was willing to give a beffiting state burial to HID if the family permitted.

He said: “I was with the President when the Vice President broke the news of our mother’s transition and you could see from the President’s contenance that he was disturbed.

“ As believers, we believe death is the beginning of good things to come and we are consoled by the fact that we know our mother, our grandmother, our great grand mother, our sister, our aunt, etc. has gone to be with the Lord.

“Therefore, having reached a ripe age, we only can celebrate and thank God for her life, we are not supposed to mourn. However we know death, no matter how old you are, is a thing of sorrow not of joy because nobody would want to lose a loved one.

“We have this to say that Mama had lived a fulfilled life. Mama fulfilled the saying that ‘behind a successful man, there is a successful, strong, courageous and bold woman’, I think Mama was that. Mama lived an exemplary life for the Yoruba people and Nigeria.

“Our regret in government is that Mama did not live long enough to see the transformation that this country will undergo with the active participation of her son-in-law, with the active participation of grand daughter, so, this is something that saddens us.

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