The SUN UK Says Diezani Was Nabbed While Trying To Hide £13bn In London

imageA columnist with the Sun of London, Kelvin Mackenzie, has alleged that Nigeria’s former Minister of Petroleum Resources, Deziani Alison-Madueke, stole £13 billion from the coffers of the country.

Mackenzie said in his column published on Sunday that this was the reason why the former oil minister was arrested in London by the United Kingdom National Crime Agency.

“MS DIEZANI Alison-Madueke, Nigeria’s former oil minister, has just been nicked in London over allegations that £13billion (yes, £13billion) has gone walkabout from her country’s coffers,” Mackenzie wrote in his column.

Mackenzie said that Alison-Madueke was going to use the money to buy a house in Hyde Park in London.

“Apparently she was looking at buying a massively expensive apartment at One Hyde Park. With £13bn I’m surprised she didn’t buy the whole of Hyde Park.

“One thing’s for sure, she can’t be the woman from Nigeria who keeps sending me those emails seeking an advancement on her cousin’s will,” he wrote.

…Names of Those Arrested With Alison-Madueke Revealed

Three of the names of four of those arrested in London alongside Nigeria’s former Minister of Petroleum Resources, Deziani Alison-Madueke, has emerged.
Alison-Madueke was arrested in London on Friday by the United Kingdom National Crime Agency.
The Agency refused to reveal the identity of those arrested alongside Alison-Madueke, but confirmed that four other persons were picked up.
On Monday, a correspondent of the British Broadcasting Corporation, Sam Piranty, who has been covering the case, unveiled the identity of the others who were picked up.
Piranty said they were Alison-Madueke’s mother, Beatrice Agama; Ugonna Madueke; and a Swiss, Melanie Spencer.
On the identity of the fourth person arrested by the UK NCA, Piranty said it it was not certain if it was a former Managing Director of the Petroleum Products Marketing Company, Haruna Momoh.
He tweeted: “Unsure about Haruna Momoh or if it was his doppelganger.”
On Monday, Alison-Madueke had £27,000 seized from her by a Magistrate Court in Westminster.

…UK Seizes More Money From Alison-Madueke’s Mother, Associate’s Wife

The United Kingdom has seized more money from those arrested alongside Nigeria’s former Minister of Petroleum Resources, Deziani Alison-Madueke.
The United Kingdom National Crime Agency had on Friday arrested Alison-Madueke and four other persons in connection with a money laundering allegation.
Those arrested apart from Alison-Madueke were her mum, Beatrice Agama; Ugonna Madueke; and and a Swiss, Melanie Spencer, who is said to be the wife of a Ghanaian oil businessman, Kevin Okyere, reportedly a close ally of the former Minister of Petroleum Resources.
The UK NCA on Monday through a Magistrate Court in Westminster sized £10,000 from Spencer.
£5,000 and $2000 was seized by the NCA from Beatrice Agama.
£27,000 in sterling, dollars and Nigerian naira was seized from Alison Madueke herself as earlier reported.

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