Toyin Saraki’s Wellbeing Foundation Africa Reiterates Key Role of Fathers in Child Care and Development

imageHaving just celebrated Father’s Day on the 21st of June, it is important to reiterate the importance of fathers in child care and development. As research has indicated, the love or rejection of a father has lifelong implications on the behavior, self-esteem, emotional stability, and mental health of many children . As a leading maternal, newborn and child health empowerment organization, the Wellbeing Foundation Africa encourages fathers to be more engaged in the care and wellbeing of their children while supporting mothers in child care.
According to the “State of the World’s Fathers” report produced by MenCare, involved fatherhood helps children thrive and allows women and girls to achieve their full potential – now and in future generations. However, while men’s involvement in caregiving is increasing in some parts of the world, women are still the primary care-givers in many families.
The “State of the World’s Fathers” report, which was launched by Chelsea Clinton of the Clinton Foundation at the UN last week, brings together key international research findings along with program and policy examples related to men’s participation in caregiving; in sexual and reproductive health and rights; in maternal, new-born, and child health; in violence and violence prevention; and in child development. In addition to encouraging society to challenge norms which propagate the unequal participation of women in the labor force and the unequal participation of men in unpaid care work, the report also includes recommendations to promote men and boys’ involvement as equitable, non-violent caregivers.
As outlined in the report, such recommendations include the creation of national and international action plans to promote involved, non-violent fatherhood and men’s and boys’ equal sharing of unpaid care work, which will then be built into public systems and institutions to enable and promote men’s equal participation in parenting and caregiving. The Wellbeing Foundation Africa further urges men to be supportive and engage with women concerning their reproductive choices, while encouraging positive maternal health behaviours in both the antenatal and postnatal stages.
To read the “State of the World’s Fathers” report, visit .

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