What The Heck Is Reuben Abati Trying To Do…Re-discover The River Niger?

By Dotun Adekanbi

imageI read Reuben Abati’s recent piece on Chief Edwin Clark and sincerely couldn’t believe the naivete on display.

Is Abati that impressionable or has his word processor become badly ‘virused’?

Baba Clark a revisionist? Naaah. He’s just being true to type. He never believed in GEJ in the first instance. He was one of the earliest critics of Jonathan’s ‘promotion’ by OBJ. But when he saw a dead buffalo on the ground, he, too, pulled out his knife for a piece of the action. Now that the party is over, he, too, has retired and returned to the creeks.

The problem now is that a come-back is going to be difficult because President Mohammadu Buhari is almost his age mate, so: no ‘my son’; PMB also knows his relations, so: Clarke can’t become an overnight ‘Uncle’ and both know the score, so: no question of ‘my very good friend.’

My take: Abati’s ‘match’ rusty and needs to re-discover his form.

The piece on E. K. Clark will not win him a shirt in Oliseh’s team so he dares not dream of playing in the Champions League on current form.

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