Woman Dies After Dropping iPhone 4 In The Bath While It Was Charging

imageA young woman has died after being electrocuted when her iPhone fell into the bath.
Russian woman Evgenia Sviridenko, 24, was looking at social media site VKontakte (the Russian equivalent of Facebook) when her iPhone 4 fell into the water.
The smartphone was plugged into the charger at the time.
Her roommate Yaroslav Dubinina, 23, told The Mirror Sviridenko was “floating on the water” when she found her.

“I noticed that she had been gone a while, and when I couldn’t raise her I opened the door and saw her floating on the water looking pale,” Dubinina said, according to mirror.co.uk.
“I saw her phone which was on charge at the bottom of the bath.
“Her body was still shaking from the shock.”
The Moscow resident’s iPhone 4 was reportedly still working when it became immersed in water, with an automatic update posted to her social media feed.
Police are investigating the accident and why the charger didn’t cut out when it hit the water, Daily Mail said.

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