All Hail The 60-60 Generation: Prominent Women Who Clocked 60 In 2020

Check out this Special DIGITAL edition of The ELITES Magazine. This 140-page edition is packaged to celebrate prominent Nigerians who were born in 1960, a very significant year in the history of Nigeria. The year 2020 marked 60 years since our nation gained independence.

If Nigeria, were a man, we would have measured it neck-to-neck with the male achievers here. Inversely, if Nigeria were a woman, we would have seen how much it faired with the womenfolk who made the list. Fortunately, Nigeria is a country, a giant of Africa for that matter and all of the people you are about to read about became what they are today because the country provided an enabling environment to groom them to stardom. The list is in-exhaustive, but we hope you will make do with the few names mentioned here.

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