Germany Shooting: Two Dead In Attack

image…Man shoots dead two people in Bavaria, including an 82-year-old woman in the back, and fires at two others before being arrested

A man has been caught by police after shooting dead two people in a killing spree in Ansbach in northern Bavaria, Germany on Friday morning.
The man, thought to be around 47 years old, is alleged to have driven in a silver Mercedes convertible to the village of Tiefenthal, where he stopped and had a brief exchange of words with an 82-year-old woman before shooting her dead.
He then fled the scene before shooting and killing a 72-year-old male cyclist 5km away in Rammersdorf.
Another man was threatened with a gun, and shortly afterwards a tractor driver was shot at, but was unhurt, police said.
Two mechanics working at a petrol station in Bad Windsheim overpowered the man after he entered the shop and threatened employees with a gun, police said.
“Thanks to the courageous intervention of these employees, the perpetrator was able to be stopped,” Joachim Hermann, Bavaria’s interior minister, told a news conference.

The police then arrived with several special units and arrested the man.
Police said the man, named as Bernd G, was not previously known to the authorities.
The gunman is currently undergoing psychiatric examination, after which police will decide whether to issue an arrest warrant or send him to a psychiatric hospital.
Gerhard Neuhof, a senior public prosecutor in Ansbach, said there was no indication the gunman knew his victims and the incident appeared to have been a random killing spree.
The mayor of Leutershausen, Siegfried Hess, said he was shocked by the attack, according to the newspaper the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

“In a place with 5,500 inhabitants, where we have always lived quietly, you only know about such situations from the television,” he said. “And then something like this happens on your doorstep.”
The head of the main administration of the town, Jürgen Ruppert, said: “A shiver runs down your spine when you hear about this car apparently driving around and people being shot.”
Mr Hess told the Süddeutsche Zeitung that he was “totally shocked”.
Mr Hess described the killings as “probably the worst crime in the history of the town.” He said he had already sent his condolences to the family of the 82-year-old victim, and said he believed the suspect did not know the woman.

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