Modupe Oshikoya Comes To Town

One of the most famous and most accomplished female athletes in the history of Nigerian Track and Field, Commonwealth and African champion in her time, breezed into Lagos from her base in Los Angeles. California.

I had the singular honour of accompanying her to see and experience the wall that was erected to memorialise and honour members of the 1976 Olympic team to Montreal, Canada, of which she was a part – the “NIIA Sports and Diplomacy Wall of Fame” at the NIIA premises in Lagos.
Her name is written in Gold letters on the wall, forever.

Here, Modupe Oshikoya, OLY, stands by the wall between Professor Eghosa Osaghae, DG of the NIIA, and Yours Truly.

  • Dr. Olusegun Odegbami MON. OLY, AFNIIA, FNIS.

One thought on “Modupe Oshikoya Comes To Town

  1. A section of the Lagos Bar Beach Road was named after Modupe Oshikoya by Governor Jakande, if I am not mistaken, after she won Silver Medal in the Olympics but it’s like there had been no sign boards to show the street so named in her honour.

    Could we have a confirmation of the status of that honour?

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